Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

As a leadership coach I work with leaders who know and experience the challenges that leadership throws out daily and strive to deliver extraordinary leadership; leadership that inspires their team, colleagues and stakeholders; leadership that takes you in the direction you want while building strong relationships, positive energy and a fulfilling work environment; successful leadership where your team are engaged and empowered and where you achieve balance in your life both in and outside of work.  I work with leaders who are committed to developing themselves.   The results they achieve include:

  • Increased time to spend on tasks and activities that deliver results that matter
  • A better work structure reducing working hours
  • Increased confidence, presence and stronger relationships
  • Quality time with loved ones
  • An inner peace and calmness as they fight their Judge and Internal Saboteurs

I do this by leveraging my Positive Intelligence® and Mental Fitness training so that I can work with you on the root causes that sabotage your desired outcomes.

What is Coaching?

Your coach is your thinking partner.  The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as:

Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

Professional coaching is not mentoring.  Your coach will not share how they would address the situation.  Through deep listening, asking thought provoking questions, reflecting back to you what they have heard, the coach supports you to build your self-awareness, confidence and your abilities to manage the situation, challenges or changes that will benefit you now and as they arise.  By developing your awareness and committing to an action plan you will be empowered to make the changes to create the future you desire.   The focus is on long-term behavioural change.    Through the coaching process a safe space will be created where assumptions will be challenged, beliefs explored and clarity gained to help you navigate through your fears, hopes, concerns and challenges which we all naturally have.   At times and as needed examples, best practice and resources will be shared.   The outcome will be new insights and awareness along with real actions you have chosen and the confidence to implement them.

Is coaching for me?

Are you committed to your development?

Do you want to develop yourself and your team but struggling to know how?

Does your work life and home life overlap and you want to get real balance?

Do you want to experience greater fulfillment and success?

Do you need to increase your presence and/or reduce stress?

Do you want and need to make a difference?

Do you want and need to find inner peace and calmness and still achieve extraordinary results?

Are you stuck somewhere and need the right safe conversation to help you find a new direction?

Executive Coaching 2
If you have answered yes to any of the above situations, then coaching could be the support you are looking for.

Coaching can be face-to-face or via video conference and can be as many or as few sessions of approximately 60 minutes that you want.

I also the Positive Intelligence®program that builds and strengthens your mental fitness as a foundation for our work together.  You will see immediate results. If you do the positive intelligence program as it was designed and are not completely satisfied after 4 weeks, I will refund you 100% of your investment in you.

Contact me to discuss how coaching could benefit you.

We will discuss the process, the benefits, is coaching right for you and if so, agree the next steps.

Are you ready to take your leadership, business or career to the next level?

Try our free questionnaire to get insights on areas you can develop to be your best you everyday.

Is coaching right for you?  Contact us for a free consultation.

It is important that when you embark on professional coaching it is the right approach for you and you are working with the right coach.   A free consultation will give you the opportunity to ask questions, experience professional coaching and my style.  We will talk about what you want to get from coaching personally and professionally in confidence and I will suggest ways that we can work together.    If I believe that another coach or another approach would be best for you, I will suggest that.  To maximise your call please complete the following form.   This is a free, no obligation call.

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