Positive Intelligence® Build your Mental Fitness

My purpose is to empower today’s leaders to unlock their inner strengths, building the mental fitness needed to lead with authenticity, empathy, humility, and resilience. When leaders tap into these qualities, they don’t just succeed—they thrive, finding deeper fulfilment and balance in every area of life.

In the fast-paced world of modern business, success is often equated with intelligence, skill, and strategic thinking. However, there's another factor at play—one that is less tangible but equally crucial to achieving peak performance and fulfilment: Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ).

Through Positive Intelligence®, you’ll silence the inner saboteurs of stress and doubt and awaken the sage within—your source of confidence, clarity, and calm. Imagine leading from a place of true strength, inspiring others and achieving more with less struggle.

Let’s redefine leadership together. Thriving can become your new standard. Reach out today to discover how the Positive Intelligence® and Mental Fitness program can unlock your full potential and bring lasting balance to your life.

If you are not physically fit, you would feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.

If you are not mentally fit, you would feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

Shirzad Chamine, Positive Intelligence®

Positive Intelligence®, developed by Shirzad Chamine, is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in positive psychology, neuroscience, cognitive psychology and performance science validated by over half a million people in 50 countries. Positive Intelligence® offers a ground breaking approach to personal and professional growth by strengthening mental fitness, resilience, and overall well-being. It goes beyond intelligence—empowering you to harness the power of positivity, unlock your full potential, and thrive in every area of life.

At the heart of Positive Intelligence® is your PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient)—the balance between positive and negative thoughts. By raising your PQ, you enhance clarity, focus, and emotional resilience, which translates to improved performance, productivity, and happiness.

Shirzad Chamine argues that organisations with teams and leaders that have high Positive Intelligence (PQ) can perform up to 35% better than those with low positive intelligence, staff are happier and report lower levels of stress.


Positive Intelligence

Positive Intelligence is measured by the proportion of time our minds are working in favour rather than against us.  There is a tipping point for this – 75% or 3:1.

How does Positive Intelligence® work, and how can it transform your life and career? Let's take a closer look:

Overcoming Saboteurs: Chamine identifies “Saboteurs” as the negative internal voices that hinder your success and well-being—such as the Judge, Controller, Victim, and Avoider. Recognizing and managing these Saboteurs frees you from their hold, allowing you to step into your full potential.

Embracing the Sage: Your inner Sage is the source of your wisdom, clarity, and positive action. Positive Intelligence teaches you to activate your Sage by nurturing traits like empathy, curiosity, innovation, action and resilience. This helps you make wiser decisions, overcome challenges, and live a more purposeful, fulfilling life.

Building Mental Fitness: Positive Intelligence offers “mental gym” exercises to strengthen Sage-related traits like mindfulness, empathy, and innovation. Mindfulness, a core practice, helps you stay present, regulate emotions, and respond thoughtfully to situations, rather than reacting out of fear or stress.

Developing Resilience: Resilience is key to thriving in the face of adversity. By building mental resilience through Positive Intelligence, you cultivate a positive mindset, effective stress management strategies, and a deep sense of inner balance and peace.

Creating Positive Relationships: Positive Intelligence fosters not only personal growth but also stronger, more compassionate relationships. Qualities like empathy and gratitude help you connect with others on a deeper level, build stronger teams, and nurture a more inclusive, supportive environment.

Positive Intelligence is a powerful tool for unlocking your potential and thriving in today’s fast-paced world. Strengthening your mental fitness, resilience, and well-being can lead to greater success, happiness, and fulfillment.

If you're ready to explore how Positive Intelligence can elevate your leadership and transform your life, I invite you to connect with me. Let’s discuss how you can unlock your potential and truly thrive. Reach out via phone or email—I’d love to hear from you!

I considered myself to have good mental fitness, resilience and positivity.  However, while completing the PQ program for coaches my PQ score increased, I became strongly aware of my Saboteurs and how they were sabotaging me, increased my productivity and sense of self.   It works.  I am continuing my training with him.

The PQ® Foundation Program:

  • Designed like a mental fitness bootcamp, the PQ program gives you insights, motivation and structure to practice 15 minutes/day for 6 weeks.
  • The program combines a weekly video session by Shirzad Chamine with daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental muscles
  • In the weekly video session, Shirzad guides you through experiential exercises that deepen and personalise your understanding of the mental fitness tools
  • Learn about the 10 Saboteurs and take the free Saboteur
  • Through the App, available exclusively to programme participants, Shirzad guides you through daily practice which builds one small muscle at a time. New neural pathways are laid down to form lasting positive habits of your mind
  • You have access to the App for 12 months

Breakthrough Results:

Within 6-8 weeks of mental fitness training you should be able to see the results in MRI imaging:

  • Increased grey matter in the PQ Brain region, home to your Sage (positive mental muscles)
  • Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region, home to your Saboteurs (negative mental muscles)

Improvements in these competencies lead to substantial results:

  • AtMetLife, trained salespeople outsold the control group by 37%
  • Motorollarecorded improved productivity in 93% of trained employees
  • Ina UK restaurant group, higher competency resulted in 34% greater profit growth
  • AtSanofi/Aventis Pharmeceutical, the average salesperson with improved competency sold $55,200 more per month
  • AtL’Oreal, strength in these competencies resulted in $91,370 increase per salesperson
  • AtCIBC, strength in these competencies account for 32% of booked sales and 71% of pipeline sales


“This has been the most impactful training I have ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience. Every sales professional would benefit greatly from this.” -Adam McGraw, Sales VP & GM, American Express

I started the programme with a little scepticism and like reading a new book took a bit to get stuck in. After about a 1.5 weeks I was hooked. I could apply all the learnings to my everyday work and personal life and see where I was being held back.   Without being over dramatic – this programme will change my approach to work and not only give me better focus and more results but help me enjoy my work much more. I would encourage anyone to take up this programme and for such a small amount of time invested the results will be with you every day for the rest of your life.  Entrepreneur in the Media industry

Other comments from people who have completed the programme:

Liberating, an increase in calmness and peace; made decisions promptly that I would have avoided before; relationships have improved as a direct result; confidence to take action.


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of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

DISCLAIMERS: The coach identified here in is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent or representative of 
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